Zen for Vampires


    One of the problems that we have in the GVC is that we don’t have very many peaceful role models. Many members seems to idolize those figures out of history or fiction that are violent, in some way–Elizabeth Bathory, Vlad the Impaler, Lilith and Dracula. The images that we have of the classic vampire are that of the Predator.  It is almost standard that at some point, one will run across some very mean members in the GVC.  We are often told that aggression is a trademark characteristic of the Vampire personality.

    A hungry Modern Vampire runs the risk of being undernourished if they do not carefully monitor their feeding….or if they find themselves in situations in which food sources are not readily available.  Hunger can make any animal aggressive, including humans and all of our variant types of human. Add to this, there is the idea that people, in general, define power as aggressiveness. In the animal kingdom, power is displayed through acts of force. The bigger animal, the most frightening animal is the more powerful one. However, we often forget that humans play by different rules….we use our minds and the complexities of our human personalities, when we relate to the world and all of the people in it.

    We can’t just be aggressive in any area of life and still expect to get along with others. Depending on the level and expression of force, there can be negative consequences to being too rough. Where does gentleness, centeredness, calm come into play? On the very practical level, we can consider looking for Donors as a sort of negotiation….or even, a seduction, in some cases. Presenting ourselves as non-threatening might serve to eventually bring about a mutually-beneficial agreement between Vampire and Swan.

    If we are serious about feeding, making the Donor as comfortable as possible is among the highest of the priorities on the list. Power and strength can be displayed through presence….and more importantly, as a state of centeredness. Real power is the ability to be unaffected by the outside world, while still functioning in it. A strong vampire is in the world, and not bothered by it. Those who attract attention unnecessarily are not respected or feared, but are perceived to be crazy or otherwise undesirable to be around. High among a modern living vampire’s concerns are maintaining regular access to Donors. The calmer and cooler vampire radiates inner strength, without scaring anyone away. How do we cultivate that state of being?

    We are not taught that Vampires can be very Zen people. There are forms of Vampire Spirituality, but meditation for Vampires is not a very popular thing. Some of us have the idea that we have no need to “work on” anything….that what we are is what we are supposed to be. This thinking gives us very static personalities….without any inspiration to personally change or develop as individuals.

    Instead of confusing scaring or intimidating others for being stronger than they are, perhaps invest some time meditating on your personal well of inner strength…on what strength really is. In formal meditation or walking meditation, imagine a spot in your body where you would feel centered in your personal strength and stillness. You may imagine this in your chest, your navel center or even in your head….allow yourself to feel yourself centered in each area, in turn. Which area do you feel most powerful in?

    Breathe deeply into this area where you feel most powerful in your body? Does it have a color–the deep black of night, dark purple, is it colorless and more of a feeling? Imagine what your strength would be like if you had nothing to prove to anyone outside of yourself. Imagine what it would feel like if you were completely satisfied, enjoying the feel of being in your own center–just feeling like a powerful, self-contained being.   Lose the need to get a reaction from others and you take back the power that you have given away to others, without knowing it.


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